
Research on problems of light distribution of image splicing in security monitoring

  • 摘要: 随着安防产业的不断发展,人们对摄像机的需求也越来越多,要求也越来越高,对具有较大视场的全景图像的需求也更加迫切,从而各种拼接算法、拼接应用应运而生。虽然现有的软件算法已经能够做到很好的效果,但图像拼接中补光配光问题依旧突出。针对以上情况,对发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode,LED)在补光下存在的照度或光强不一致的问题进行了研究,并且采用全内反射(Total Internal Reflection,TIR)透镜思路进行透镜二次配光设计,使LED灯发射出来的光斑拼接后照度或光强均匀,同时进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,该设计能有效避免光斑拼接后出现明显的过亮或过暗的痕迹,使拼接效果更好,满足摄像机全天候工作的需求。


    Abstract: With continuous development of the security industry and people's growing demands for cameras, it was urgent to have the panoramic image with a larger field of view. As a result, kinds of splicing algorithms and splicing applications have come into being. Although the existing software algorithms have been able to achieve good results, but the problems of supplement light distribution in image splicing are still outstanding. Considering the situations above, the problems of inconsistency of illumination or light intensity in Light Emitting Diode(LED) were studied. The design idea of the Total Internal Reflection(TIR) lens was used for the secondary light distribution design, which made the illumination or light intensity of the light spot from LED uniform after splicing, and the simulation was done at the same time. The simulation results show that it could avoid too bright or too dim trace after the light spot splicing, and the splicing effect would be better. It could meet the requirement of the camera working around the clock.


