
Underwater 3D triangular range-intensity correlation imaging beyond visibility range(invited)

  • 摘要: 水下超视距三角形距离能量相关三维成像是一种新型的快速非扫描三维成像技术,可填补水下摄像机(空间分辨率高但作用距离近、无三维信息)与水下声呐(作用距离远但空间分辨率低)间的技术空白。介绍了水下距离能量相关三维成像国内外研究进展,并重点介绍中国科学院半导体研究所在水下成像方面开展的三角形距离能量相关三维成像的研究工作,提出了一种融合多脉冲延时积分的三角形距离能量相关三维成像,梳理了多脉冲延时积分景深调节技术下的典型时域工作参数,研制的水下激光选通三维成像系统绿瞳、凤眼和龙睛可实现探测距离大于4.8 AL的超视距百万像素三维成像,已用于渔网等微小目标探测、海洋生物原位探测、水下光学详查等应用中。


    Abstract: Underwater 3D triangular range-intensity correlation imaging(RICI) is a novel scannerless 3D imaging technique beyond underwater visibility range, and can fill the current gap between short-range high-resolution conventional video cameras without 3D information and long-range low-resolution sonar systems. The development of 3D RICI was reviewed, and the introduction of 3D triangular RICI in the Institute of Semiconductors, CAS was focused. A 3D triangular RICI with multi-pulse time delay integration method was proposed, and the typical time parameters in the method were given. The prototype 3D range-gated imaging systems of Lvtong, Fengyan, Longjing were established, and can realize 3D imaging with 1 360 pixel1 024 pixel beyond the visibility range of 4.8 AL. The systems have been used in fishnet detection, marine in situ detection, underwater target detection and recognition.


