
Design of airborne dual-frequency laser radar system

  • 摘要: 针对林业、建筑、近海、岛礁和滩涂的测绘要求,中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所开发了具有自主知识产权的机载双频激光雷达产品样机,可以同时完成对陆地地形和海底地形进行测绘。该样机在三亚蜈支洲岛进行了飞行试验,最大探测深度达到30 m,等效一类水质条件下可达50 m,最小探测深度达到0.22 m,测深数据和单波束声呐数据对比中误差为0.108 m,实地测量数据和陆地点云量测数据比对中误差为0.18 m,试验结果基本符合设计预期,为进一步产品定型打下了良好的基础。


    Abstract: Aiming at the mapping requirements of forestry, architecture, offshore, island reef and beach, the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has developed a prototype of airborne dual-frequency laser radar. It can simultaneously carry out mapping of terrain and submarine terrain. The prototype has been tested in Wuzizhou Island of Sanya with a maximum detection depth of 30 m, equivalent to 50 m under class A water quality conditions, the minimum detection depth of 0.22 m. Depth data and single-beam sonar data comparison error is 0.108 m, ranging data and field-measured data comparison error is 0.18 m. The results are in accordance with the design expectations.


