
Performance of non-evaporable getter to maintain vacuum of Dewar module of infrared focal plane detector and its application

  • 摘要: 实漏、虚漏、出气和渗透等气体源引起封离真空杜瓦腔体压力升高,活性气体H2、H2O、CO占的份额较大,H2的份额可达80%以上,NEG抽出活性气体获得和维持红外焦平面探测器杜瓦组件工作真空度。封离真空杜瓦寿命周期内产生的气体量与设计制造技术水平和真空获得工艺能力有关,不正确使用St 172将导致NEG不能发挥最大效能。根据文献和工程实践经验,分析探讨在特定使用工况下NEG的抽气性能参数和激活与再激活条件对真空维持性能的影响,指出大多数用户不允许电再激活NEG修理、必须正确使用无颗粒St 172/NP和注意相关的问题。


    Abstract: The gas sources such as real leaks, virtual leaks, outgassing and permeation cause the cavity pressure of the sealed vacuum Dewar to increase and the proportion of active gases H2, H2O, and CO accounts for a large part, and H2 can reach more than 80% in gas sources. NEG extracts active gases to obtain and maintain the vacuum degree of the Dewar component of the infrared focal plane detector. The amount of generated gas during the life cycle of sealed vacuum Dewar is related to the design and manufacturing technology and the process capability of vacuum acquisition. The maximum efficiency of NEG will not be achieved without the use of St 172 correctly. Based on the literatures and engineering practice experiences, the effects of the pumping performance parameters and the activation and reactivation conditions on the vacuum maintenance performance of NEG under specific operating conditions were analyzed and discussed. It is pointed out that most of users do not allow the electric reactivation of NEG repair, the correct application of the NP (no particle) St 172/NP and the issues must be noticed.


