水雾中1.06 μm激光辐射的衰减特性

Attenuation properties of 1.06 μm laser radiation in water fog

  • 摘要: 通过试验研究了1.06 m激光辐射在水雾环境中的衰减特性。定量测量了不同气象光学视程(MOR)的水雾对1.06 m激光辐射的衰减程度,计算了水雾环境下的1.06 m激光辐射的等效MOR。分别采用试验数据和经验公式计算了1.06 m激光辐射在不同能见度条件下的消光系数。通过对比发现由经验公式计算的消光系数存在明显偏差,尤其是在低能见度条件下。基于试验数据,推导了一种以可见光能见度为输入的消光系数计算公式,对估计云雾环境下近红外光辐射的衰减特性具有重要参考价值。


    Abstract: The attenuation property of 1.06 m laser radiation in water fog was investigated experimentally. The attenuation of 1.06 m laser radiation in water fog was measured at different meteorological optical range (MOR). Based on experimental data, the equivalent MOR of 1.06 m laser radiation was calculated. The extinction coefficient of 1.06 m laser radiation in water fog at different MOR was calculated based on empirical equation and experiment data, respectively. The comparison of the result shows the empirical extinction coefficient has significant deviation with experiment result, especially at low MOR. A new equation was derived for calculating the extinction coefficient of 1.06 m laser radiation in water fog based on MOR value, which is of great importance in evaluating the attenuation properties of near infrared laser radiation in water fog.


