
Laser technology for direct IR countermeasure system

  • 摘要: 便携式防空系统(MANPADs)、各类红外制导导弹等红外热寻的武器是民用、军用飞机重要的威胁。随着红外成像探测器被广泛用于热寻的制导武器,传统的红外干扰机、曳光弹难以形成有效对抗,以红外波段激光作为光源的红外定向对抗(DIRCM)系统是目前对抗热寻的武器的有效手段。文中回顾了目前有代表性的红外定向对抗系统,分析阐述用于红外定向对抗系统中的激光器关键技术,给出红外成像探器致眩区域计算方法,并讨论展望红外对抗激光器技术的发展趋势。


    Abstract: Heat seeking weapons such as man-portable air defense system (MANPADs), various IR guiding missile are the main threaten for civil aircraft and military aircraft. As the appearance of IR imaging seeker, the effect of traditional IR interference equipment and infrared flares are limited. Otherwise, direct IR countermeasure (DIRCM) system has been effective means. In this paper, the international research on DIRCM and key techniques for laser of DIRCM was reviewed. Furthermore, calculating method for dazzling area of imaging detector was given. At the same time, the research trends of DIRCM and laser of DIRCM were forecasted in the future.


