
Scattering properties of rough metal surface in terahertz region

  • 摘要: 根据基尔霍夫近似理论分析了金属粗糙表面在太赫兹频段的散射规律及影响因素,通过加工不同粗糙度的金属铝板样品,基于远红外激光器搭建的单频点散射特性测量系统及远红外傅里叶光谱仪(FTIR)的宽带反射率测量系统,对粗糙铝板的散射规律进行了实验测量与验证,发现实验测量结果与基尔霍夫近似计算结果具有良好的一致性,证明了峰值散射系数与粗糙度和频率的负相关性,以及与入射角度的正相关性。分析了近似光滑和较大粗糙度两种极限情况下的散射特性,给出了基尔霍夫近似理论在太赫兹频段的适用条件。相关结论为复杂目标散射特性的理论计算奠定了基础,对太赫兹频段雷达相关理论和技术的发展具有重要意义。


    Abstract: The scattering characteristics and the affecting factors of rough metal surface were analyzed based on the Kirchhoff approximation theory. Rough aluminum (Al) plates with different roughness were manufactured and their scattering characteristics were measured by two systems:a single-frequency system built with a far-infrared (IR) laser and a wide-band Fourier Transform IR spectroscopy (FTIR) system. Good consistency was found from the comparison of theoretical and experimental results. It is proved that the peak scattering coefficient has negative correlation with roughness and frequency, and positive correlation with incident angle. Additionally, the applicability of Kirchhoff approximation theory in the terahertz range was given by analyzing two limiting cases for near-smooth and high-roughness samples. The conclusions lie the foundation for theoretical calculation of complicated targets and will promote the development of the theories and techniques of terahertz radar.


