无基片空间合成的220 GHz三次倍频电路研究

Research on no-substrate space-combined 220 GHz tripler frequency multiplier circuit

  • 摘要: 基于四阳极结同向串联型GaAs平面肖特基二极管,设计并实现了无基片空间合成的220 GHz三次倍频电路。采用四支肖特基二极管协同工作,在脊波导小片上下两侧各倒装焊接两支肖特基二极管,构成上下反向结构。采用场路结合的方式,对倍频电路的倍频效率进行了仿真。仿真结果显示输入功率为300 mW,输出频率为213~229 GHz时,倍频效率大于3%;采用E波段功率放大器推动三次倍频电路,获得了倍频器输出功率。测试数据表明,驱动功率为300 mW时,输出频率为213~229 GHz时,输出功率大于5 dBm,倍频效率为1%~2%。


    Abstract: A 220 GHz tripler frequency multiplier using no-substrate and space combined structure was designed and realized based on four anodes in parallel-series GaAs planar Schottky diodes. Four Schottky diodes was adopted and divided into two groups. One group with two Schottky diodes placed in the same direction was flip-chiped on the top surface of the slab waveguide metal film and the other group on the bottom surface composed anti-series structure. The efficiency of the circuit was stimulated combined of EM simulator and circuit simulator. The stimulated efficiency was bigger than 3% over the band of 213 GHz to 229 GHz with the input power of 300 mW. An E-band power amplifier was used to drive the circuit to get the output power of the multiplier. The measured output power was bigger than 5 dBm over the band of 213 GHz to 229 GHz with the input power of 300 mW. The efficiency was 1% to 2%.


