
Design of noise testing system for infrared detector in different bias voltages

  • 摘要: 热敏电阻型红外探测器是红外地球敏感器的核心元件,其质量决定整个卫星姿态测量精度。热敏电阻型红外探测器元件制造过程工艺复杂,技术难点大。由于该类器件的失效主要表现为噪声失效,因此,需要研究新的噪声测试方法来剔除失效器件。针对以锰钴镍氧化物作为灵敏元的红外探测器的特点,在分析其噪声模型的基础上,研究了不同偏压下噪声测试方法,并提出了相应测试系统的设计方案。通过测试验证,该系统本底噪声小于100 nV/Hz1/2,测试精度也满足要求,可以利用该测试方法进一步剔除存在疑点的探测器,提高红外探测器筛选有效性。该系统将为热敏电阻型红外探测器不同偏压下噪声筛选提供实验平台,并为进一步分析和研究不同偏压下噪声变化机理的研究奠定了基础。


    Abstract: Thermistor type infrared detector is the key element of the infrared earth sensor, which plays an important role in measuring precision of satellite attitude. The manufacturing process of the thermistor type infrared detector is complex, and the technical difficulties are great. Owing to the failure of these devices is mainly caused by noise, it is necessary to study new noise testing method to eliminate the failure devices. According to the structural characteristics of infrared detector based on thermistor of ternary Mn-Ni-Co oxide, the noise models were discussed in detail, and the noise test method based on infrared detector in different bias voltage was studied, then the corresponding testing system was designed. Test results show that the local noise and test accuracy of the system meet the requirements. The system will provide an experimental platform for the research of noise screening in different bias voltages, and lay a foundation for further analysis and research on the mechanism of noise variation in different bias voltages.


