
Raman distributed temperature sensor using multimode fiber with reduced core size

  • 摘要: 设计并制作了一种用于拉曼分布式温度传感的具有大有效模场面积和低模式色散的渐变折射率的小芯径多模光纤,同时达到了高空间分辨率和高温度分辨率。在现有的拉曼分布式温度传感系统基础上,测量了使用不同传感光纤和注入条件下的温度和空间分辨率。在满注入工作模式下,基于小芯径多模光纤的拉曼分布式温度传感器在25 km处达到了1℃的温度分辨率,空间分辨率的劣化仅为0.13 m,作为对比,使用多模光纤的拉曼分布式温度传感器的空间分辨率劣化了1.58 m。在单模注入条件下,基于小芯径多模光纤的拉曼分布式温度传感器在25 km处达到了4.7℃的温度分辨率,相对使用单模光纤有2.2℃的提升,同时空间分辨率没有劣化。


    Abstract: A graded-index multimode fiber (GI-MMF) with reduced core size was designed and fabricated with large effective mode area and low intermodal dispersion for Raman distribution temperature sensor (RDTS) to simultaneously achieve high spatial and temperature resolution. In experiment, the temperature and spatial resolution of the RDTS was measured using different types of fibers under different launch conditions based on a commercially available RDTS system. By using the GI-MMF under the overfilled launch condition, a 1℃ temperature resolution was achieved with a spatial resolution degradation of 0.13 m at the distance of 25 km. The spatial resolution degradation using the standard MMF is 1.58 m in comparison. Moreover, the RDTS using the proposed GI-MMF under the single mode launch condition achieved a temperature resolution of 4.7℃ temperature resolution at the distance of 25 km with a 2.2℃ improvement and no degradation on spatial resolution compared with that using the standard SMF.


