
Lens design of star sensor with large relative aperture and wide spectral range

  • 摘要: 为了提高星敏感器相对孔径,拓宽探测光谱范围,文中通过探测器灵敏度模型的计算,确定了星敏感器光学系统的设计参数,进而设计了一款基于卫星平台的星敏感器光学镜头。该镜头由7片球面透镜组成,光谱范围为500~800 nm,焦距为50 mm,相对孔径为1/1.25,视场角为8.458.45(对角线视场角为11.96),总长83.33 mm。镜头采用像方远心光路,减小了因像面离焦及其他因素引起的测量误差。优化后的镜头畸变小于0.5%,质心色偏差控制在2 m内,能量集中度(33像元内)大于80%,最大倍率色差为-0.073 m,轴外视场的弥散斑能量集中度和轴上视场基本一致。对比不同温度下的光学系统,焦距变化量很小,验证了无热化设计要求,镜头的成像质量良好。


    Abstract: In order to improve the relative aperture of the star sensor and broaden the spectral range of the detection, the detector sensitivity calculation model was applied to determine the parameters of the optical lens in a star sensor, then an optical lens based on satellite platform was designed. The lens was composed of 7 spherical lenses, with the spectral region of 500-800 nm, the focal length of 50 mm, the relative aperture of 1/1.25, the field of view(FOV) of 8.458.45, and the total length was 83.33 mm. This lens used the telecentric structure in the image to reduce measurement errors caused by image defocus and other factors. After the optimization, the lens distortion was less than 0.5%, the center of mass color deviation was controlled within 2 m, and the diffraction encircled energy (within 33 pixel) was greater than 80%, the maximum magnification chromatic aberration was -0.073 m, the dispersion spot energy concentration of all the fields of view was almost the same. In different temperature environments, the small change in focal length of the system verified the athermalization. The optical lens had good image quality.


