
Dynamic calibration technology for measuring sinusoidal pressure of water medium based on laser interferometry

  • 摘要: 针对动态压力传感器校准中,压力无法直接准确溯源的问题,一种利用激光干涉法测量水介质折射率的方法用于正弦压力校准。压力腔内充满水介质并产生动态压力,以周期型的正弦压力为例,通过激光干涉测量正弦压力下水介质折射率的改变,得到介质动态压力的大小。为了对正弦压力进行精确测量,建立数学模型并进行实验验证,研制专门的解调系统,通过硬件和软件的配合来实现正弦压力的精确测量。通过静态和动态试验验证了基于激光干涉测量压力的数学模型,激光干涉方法来测量动态压力切实可行,实现动态压力的量值溯源到时间、长度等基本量上。


    Abstract: Aming at the dynamic pressure sensor calibration, the pressure can not be accurately traced, a method of measuring refractive index of water medium by laser interferometry was used for sinusoidal pressure calibration. The pressure chamber was filled with water medium and generated dynamic pressure. Taking the periodic sinusoidal pressure as an example, the dynamic pressure of the medium was obtained by measuring the change of refractive index of the water under the sinusoidal pressure by laser interference. In order to measure sinusoidal pressure accurately, a mathematical model was established and verified by experiments. A special demodulation system was developed to measure sinusoidal pressure accurately through hardware and software cooperation. Through static and dynamic experiments, the mathematical model of pressure measurement based on laser interferometry was validated. It is feasible to measure dynamic pressure by laser interferometry, and the value of dynamic pressure can be traced back to such basic quantities as time and length.


