
Development of reduced background vacuum infrared hyperspectral radiance temperature standard facility

  • 摘要: 为满足红外遥感载荷在辐射定标方面的量值溯源需求,中国计量科学研究院研制了真空低背景红外高光谱亮温计量标准研究装置。介绍了红外高光谱亮温计量标准装置的设计方案和高光谱分辨的量值传递方法和溯源链等。设计了用于放置用户被校黑体的模拟太空环境的真空低背景实验舱,建立了包含固定点黑体源和标准变温黑体源在内的标准器,通过傅里叶变换红外光谱仪将标准黑体源的量值传递给被校黑体辐射源。研制的标准变温黑体辐射源的温度范围覆盖125~500 K,口径为30 mm,空腔发射率为0.999 7,亮度温度标准不确定度优于0.026 K@300 K/10 m。真空固定点黑体包含汞固定点、镓固定点和铟固定点黑体,口径为25 mm,温度不确定度优于0.020 K@10 m。该装置具有高温度不确定度水平、高光谱分辨率和扩展性强等特点,能够满足大部分红外载荷量值的溯源需求。


    Abstract: The Vacuum Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance Temperature Standard Facility for Infrared Hyperspectral radiance calibration was established at National Institute of Metrology for calibrating the radiance temperature of infrared remote sensing payloads. The state-of-the art of the system was introduced, such as, the structure, the new designed standard blackbody, the calibration method and the traceability. The vacuum reduced background chamber was built for the customer blackbodies. The standard blackbodies, including the variable temperature blackbodies and the fixed-point blackbodies, were designed. The radiance temperature of the customer blackbodies were calibrated by the standard blackbodies through a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The temperature range of the new designed standard blackbody was from 125 K to 500 K with a 30 mm in diameter and 0.999 7 emissivity of the cavity. The radiance temperature standard uncertainty of the blackbody was better than 0.026 K@300 K/10 m. The fixed point blackbodies included a mercury blackbody, a gallium blackbody and an Indium blackbody. The cavities diameter were all 25 mm, and the uncertainty of the fixed blackbodies was better than 0.020 K@300 K. The system could support the requirements of lots of infrared remote sensing payloads. This facility can provide the radiance temperature tracebility for most infrared remote sounders with low uncertanty, high sprectral resolution and strong extensibility.


