
Remote sense for environment pollution gases in wide infrared spectral range

  • 摘要: 根据环境污染气体监测的广谱需求,提出了宽谱段红外光谱遥测方法,利用长波红外傅里叶干涉光谱技术,向长波红外大气窗口短波端外扩展了仪器响应波段,使之在一定条件下能够探测多数常见工业气体的指纹特征。在7.0 ~14.5 m波段内,采用差谱法和亮温法,可监测多种常用工业有毒有害气体,并可给出以浓度程长积表征的概略浓度。介绍了遥测光谱仪的性能表征方法,例举了实用型产品PARES100对11种常用工业有毒有害气体的应用实例。


    Abstract: According to the wide spectrum requirement of environmental pollution gases monitoring, a wide spectrum infrared spectrum remote sense method was proposed. By using the long wave infrared Fourier interference spectrum technology, the response band of the instrument was extended to the short wave end of the long wave infrared atmospheric window, so that it can detect the fingerprint characteristics of most common industrial gases under certain conditions. In the 7.0-14.5 m (700-1 450 cm-1), the difference spectrum method and bright temperature method can be used to monitor a variety of commonly used industrial toxic and harmful gases, and the approximate concentration characterized by the long-term product of the concentration range can be given. The performance characterization method of remote sense spectrometer was introduced, and the application examples of PARES100 to 11 kinds of industrial gases and harmful gases were given.


