Laser diode pumped high-power Yb-doped all-solid-state femtosecond lasers were developed. Firstly, a high-power and high-efficiency Yb:LYSO femtosecond oscillator was realized by passively mode-locking technique using semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. Stable mode-locking operations at 1 035 nm and 1 042 nm with both as high as 3 W average output power were achieved, respectively. The corresponding pulse width was 351 fs and 287 fs, the slope efficiency is 88.2% and 89.7% respectively. Secondly, stable 70 fs pulses with the average power of 2.52 W were directly generated from a high power multimode diode-pumped Yb:CYA laser with Kerr-lens mode-locking technology. By separating the gain medium and Kerr medium, the single pulse energy and the peak power was up to 50 nJ and 0.71 MW, respectively. It is shown that the above erbium-doped crystals have excellent performance in the field of high-power diode-pumped all-solid-state lasers.