The output characteristics of a-cut Nd:GdVO4 crystal cascaded self-Raman laser based on semiconductor laser end-pumping were reported. Making full use of the excellent laser characteristics and strong Raman gain of Nd:GdVO4 crystal, as well as using broadband high-reflection mirror designed for cascaded Raman operation, second order Stokes laser at 1 309 nm based on the Raman shift of 882 cm-1 was successfully achieved under the acousto-optic Q-switched modulation. Under the incident pump power of 10 W and the pulse repetition frequency of 50 kHz, a maximum average Raman laser output power of 1.48 W and a pulse width of 5.3 ns for 1 309 nm laser was obtained, corresponding the threshold and the conversion efficiency for second order Stokes generation were around 5.9 W and 14.8%, respectively. The results show that cascaded Nd:GdVO4 self-Raman also can achieve high-efficiency second-Stokes laser output, which is of great value to enrich the wavelength of solid-state laser.