Recently a high optical efficiency all-fiber coherent Doppler lidar (CDL) system was developed to achieve real-time measurements of wind fields. The coherent lidar worked on 1.55 m band, the diameter of the felescope was 50 mm, the temporal and spatial resolution were 1 s and 30 m respectively. In addition, the system consisted of a fiber-based optical transceiver unit, a 2-axis scanner which can program scanning scheme, and a multicore digital signal processor (DSP) for real-time signal processing. Theoretical performances of the system in wind sensing were estimated and compared with experimental results, it verified that the measurement range was 5 km. In comparative experiment, the system and ultrasonic anemometer measured wind field simultaneously. Measured data were compared and analyzed, the result were listed as follow:correlation coefficient of wind speed was 0.980 and standard deviation was 0.235 m/s; correlation coefficient of wind direction was 0.993 and standard deviation was 3.105. The results prove that the system has excellent performance, can be widely used for wind detection in atomospheric boundary layer.