
Simulation & validation of ground-based optical-telescope imaging on target craft

  • 摘要: 以目标飞行器地基光学观测与姿态监测需求为背景,研究了地基光学望远镜成像仿真模型与方法,通过目标建模、轨道确定和光学成像建模,结合目标表面材质光散射特性和望远镜成像性能,基于OpenGL(Open Graphics Library)仿真生成目标飞行器在轨飞行光学图像序列。根据理论分析比对、第三方仿真软件STK(Satellite Tool Kit)比对、实测光学图像序列比对多种途径,验证了仿真方法和结果的正确性。可为目标飞行器观测任务制定与在轨姿态监控、空间目标姿态判别和目标识别提供参考和依据。


    Abstract: Aiming at the target craft's ground-based optical observation and attitude surveillance mission, the imaging simulation model and method of ground-based optical-telescope was studied. Based on complex target 3D modeling, orbit determination and optical imaging chain modeling, combining with the scattering characteristics of surface material properties and the imaging performance of telescope, the target craft's optical image sequences were simulated by utilizing Open Graphics Library(OpenGL). By comparing with theoretical analysis, the field of view images of Satellite Tool Kit(STK) sensor and actual observation images, the simulation method and results were proved to be effective and credible. This research can provide references for the observation mission plan of target craft, on-orbit attitude and exterior inspection, as well as the space target attitude recognition and target identification.


