
Study on stability of Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors exposed in plasma

  • 摘要: 利用射频激励电容耦合等离子体放电装置产生等离子体,分别采用氧、空气、氩、氖等离子体对Ta2O5/Al2O3激光陀螺反射镜进行处理,试验研究了等离子体气压和等离子体种类对Ta2O5/Al2O3激光陀螺反射镜光学损耗的影响。通过比对实验、能谱、光电子能谱分析测试等技术手段,对Ta2O5/Al2O3激光陀螺反射镜在等离子体环境下出现的损耗变化现象、机理进行了探讨。Ta2O5/Al2O3激光陀螺反射镜经氧等离子体处理后的损耗变化量最大,达到了15 ppm (1 ppm=1×10-6),为另3种等离子体处理后损耗变化量的2~4倍。定位出了Ta2O5/Al2O3激光陀螺反射镜等离子体环境下产生吸收具体膜层为最外层2LAl2O3,发现了2LAl2O3在氧、氩等离子体作用下吸收损耗在一定程度上产生可逆变化的现象,结合XPS分析,对这一可逆现象从薄膜中游离O、Ar与等离子体中粒子之间相互作用产生缺陷等角度进行了探讨。提出了进一步提升Ta2O5/Al2O3激光陀螺反射镜等离子体环境稳定性的技术措施。


    Abstract: Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors have been exposed in oxygen, air, argon and neon plasma respectively. Plasma was generated by capacity coupling Radio Frequency(RF) discharge technology. The effect of plasma pressure, plasma exposing time and plasma type on optical loss of Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors was studied. The phenomenon and mechanism, for the optical loss change of Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors was analyzed and discussed, by using comparing experiments, Energy Disperse Spectroscopy(EDS) and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy(XPS). Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors exposed in oxygen showed biggest total loss, which arrived 15 ppm(1 ppm=1×10-6). The value was 2 to 4 times of Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors exposing in air, Ne and Ar plasma. The total loss changing was caused by the absorption of outermost 2LAl2O3 layer in Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors. When Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors exposing O2 plasma and Ar plasma alternately, the partial reversible changing phenomenon of 2LAl2O3 layer's absorption loss was found. The partial reversible changing phenomenon was discussed by XPS analyzing. The results show that the absorption loss changing is related to the exchanging of free oxygen and argon, occurred between outermost 2LAl2O3 layer and plasma. Some measures and suggestions are proposed to improve the stability of Ta2O5/Al2O3 laser gyro mirrors exposed in plasma.


