
Infrared small target detection using tri-layer window local contrast

  • 摘要: 在红外制导、预警等领域,高检测率、低虚警率和高实时性地检测出红外小目标具有重大的理论和实际意义。提出了一种采用三层窗口局部对比度的红外小目标检测方法,该三层窗口可以通过单尺度计算解决不同尺度小目标的检测难题,提高检测的实时性。同时,通过在对比度计算前、对比度计算中和对比度计算后等环节中分别对真实目标进行增强、对复杂背景进行抑制,实现提高检测率、降低虚警率的目的。在若干红外序列和图像中进行实验验证表明,相比8种现有算法而言,该方法可以取得更好的检测率和虚警率,其平均耗时仅为某些多尺度算法的1/3~1/2左右。


    Abstract: In infrared (IR) guidance, early warning and other fields, it is of great theoretical significance and application value to detect IR small target with high detection rate, low false alarm rate and high speed. An IR small target detection method based on the tri-layer window local contrast was proposed. The tri-layer window could deal with small targets of different scales by single-scale calculation, so that the detection speed could be accelerated. Meanwhile, the enhancement on the true target and the suppression on the complex background were considered before, during and after the local contrast calculation, so that the detection rate could be improved and the false alarm rate could be reduced. Experiments in some IR sequences and images show that, compared with eight existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm can achieve a better performance on detection rate and false alarm rate, and its average time consumption is only about 1/3 to 1/2 of some multiscale algorithms.


