
Design and test of laser wind measurement system for yaw control of wind turbine

  • 摘要: 为实现风力发电机迎风信息的精确测量,采用连续波相干探测技术,设计了针对风力发电机偏航控制需求的激光测风系统。该系统的扫描装置中由直驱电机带动15°顶角楔形镜旋转实现激光对大气的圆锥扫描,设置扫描一圈用时为15 s,每圈采样点数为30个,利用正弦拟合方法反演风力发电机前方的风场信息。将激光测风系统安装在深圳市气象观测梯度塔下,与塔上超声波风速仪进行了对比测风试验。经过数据分析,水平风速相关系数达0.98,标准差为0.22 m/s,风向相关系数达0.97,标准差为3.04°,表明所设计的激光测风系统性能优良,工作稳定可靠,能够为风力发电机提供精确风场参数,提高风能的利用效率。


    Abstract: In order to measure the incoming wind information before it reaches a wind turbine, a laser wind measurement system was developed for need of yaw control of wind turbine based on continuous wave coherence detection. A direct drive(DD) motor was installed in the scanner to drive a wedge lens with 15° vertex angle for laser conical scanning in the atmosphere. The scan period is 15 s, and has 30 sampling points. The sinusoidal fitting method was used to retrieve the velocity and direction of the incoming wind field of wind turbine. The laser wind measurement system was installed under the meteorological gradient observation tower in Shenzhen, and a comparative experiment was carried out with the ultrasonic anemometer on the tower. Measured data were compared and the results are as follows: the correlation coefficient of horizontal wind speed was 0.98 and the standard deviation was 0.22 m/s, the correlation coefficient of wind direction data was 0.97 and the standard deviation was 3.04°. It shows that the laser wind measurement system has satisfactory performance and can provide accurate parameters of wind turbine, which is conducive to improve the efficiency of wind energy utilization.


