Remote detection technology between air platform and underwater is a hot research issue in the marine countries. The aim of the present work is to study the laser induced acoustic (LIA) technology used for the detection from air to underwater. The experiment and simulation of LIA detection based on the mechanism of laser-induced breakdown were mainly described. Nanosecond pulse laser was used to generate acoustic wave by the photoacoustic conversion, and the hydrophone was used to receive the waves. LIA scanning data was collected to analyze the character of acoustic source underwater by using the setup above. Then 3D imaging of LIA underwater was carried out based on the time reciprocity principle. Simulations of the sound waves generation and propagate underwater was performed by finite element method. Furthermore, it is observed from the simulation that sound signal can be still obtained after it propagates 400 m, when the laser energy increases to 2.8×10
10 W/cm
2. The signal to noise ratio is about 11.3 dB. The simulation shows the possibility of detection by LIA underwater in hundred meters-level. The present study provides a method for the remote detection underwater across air-water media by using LIA technology.