
Optical design and analysis of compact visible and medium-wave infrared whisking broom imaging system

  • 摘要: 为了在空间限制严格的条件下,实现远距离、双波段、摆扫成像要求,采用双波段折反缩束镜、双快反镜及紧凑的单波段透镜后组,并通过优化设计,建立了一种紧凑型双波段摆扫成像光学系统。其中,双波段折反缩束镜由RC系统、CAF2分色棱镜、及单波段透镜组组成,分别在0.6~0.9 μm及3.6~4.9 μm波段取得接近衍射极限的像质,且摆扫成像像移均控制在半个像元以内。该双波段系统中,主次镜间无透镜,可见光系统焦距为1752 mm,光学系统三维尺寸为380 mm (轴向)×Φ360,远摄比达到0.22,线遮拦比为0.34。在无遮光罩的前提下,仿真分析表明,入射角大于30°时,红外PST均小于1×10−4。且该系统加工及装调工艺成熟可控,成本较低。


    Abstract: To accomplish long-range visible and medium-wave infrared whisking broom imaging detection under strict space limitation, dual-band catadioptric shrink-beam system, double fast steering mirrors, and subsequet compact single-wave lenses was used to build a compact dual-band whisking broom imaging system through lens system design optimization. Among them, dual-band catadioptric shrink-beam system was composed of two-mirror Ritchey Chretien system, CaF2 dichroic prism and subsequet single-wave lenses. The image quality of the shrink-beam system was closed to diffraction limit in the 0.6-0.9 μm and 3.6-4.9 μm wave bands. Image motion of the dual-band shrink-beam system were controlled within halves of the respective pixels during broom imaging process. The effective focal length of the dual-band catadioptric system in the visible band was 1752 mm, there was no lens in between the RC, the three dimensional size of the optical system was 380 mm (axial)×Φ360, the telephoto ratio was 0.22, the line obscuration ratio was 0.34. Based on simulation and analysis, when the incident angles were larger than 30°, the point source transmittance (PST) of the dual-band system was less than 1×10−4 without additional front baffles. And this system was designed with mature optical cold working, installation and adjustment process and low cost.


