
Plane wave transmitted wavefront simulation and measurement of filter with multi-spectrum

  • 摘要: 采用滤光片进行带通滤光是航天遥感相机实现多谱段成像的主要手段。滤光片一般使用平板玻璃作为基体,在平板玻璃两个通光表面镀带通的光学膜层,实现滤光的作用。所以对于滤光片而言,可以使用平面波透射波前评价其成像性能。干涉仪使用的测量光为单波长,无法实现全谱段覆盖。随着滤光片使用谱段数量的不断增加,干涉仪激光波长将不在滤光片的带通范围内,导致无法对其透射波前进行测试。为了解决滤光片带通谱段不包含干涉仪使用波长下的透射波前评价难题,提出了一种解决方案,使用单谱段干涉仪,结合滤光片镀膜前的前、后表面面形和透射波前、镀膜后的前后表面面形数据,研发了一种平面波透射波前的计算算法,得到仿真的镀膜后滤光片的透射波前数据,并以此来评价滤光片的成像性能。给出了透射波前仿真算法的详细理论推导。试验数据表明,在使用632.8 nm干涉仪波长下,滤光片镀膜后透射波前RMS的仿真精度小于0.004λ。该方法能够扩展应用在红外滤光片的测试中,实验使用3.39 μm的干涉仪测试,得到仿真误差约为0.002λ,均能实现较高精度。且在满足测试精度的前提下,有效降低了测试成本。


    Abstract: Optical filter is widely used in multi-spectrum imaging of space remote sensor. Usually the base of the filter is optical glass. And optical coating on the glass is used to filter the specific spectrum. Plane wave transmitted wavefront testing is the main technique used to evaluate the wavefront distortion of the filter. The wavelength of the light interferometer uses is fixed. It can not cover the filter’s spectrum. And it is impossible to test every spectrum transmitted wavefront of the filter. In order to solve this problem, one solution was provided in this article. The interferometer with one fixed light wavelength was used. The front and back surface sag data, transmitted wavefront data of the filter before coating, and the front and back surface sag data after coating were used in a special algorithm together, the plane wave transmitted wavefront of the filter after coating can be obtained. The theoretical derivation of the algorithm was fully discussed in this article. And the experiments show the error of the transmitted wavefront RMS can be less than 0.004λ (λ=632.8 nm). The technique can be applied on the testing of infrared filter, experiments show the error is about 0.002λ (λ=3.39 μm), The accuracy requirement is satisfied and the cost is reduced.


