
Longitudinal forced convection heat transfer for high power slab laser media

  • 摘要: 液体强制对流换热因具有较高的可靠性和性能稳定性而被广泛使用于高功率板条激光介质介质的制冷,但沿流场方向产生的温度梯度会显著改变激光介质的热应力状态而带来不良影响。提出了基于冷却流场与目标温度匹配控制思路的双大面侧泵激光介质纵向强制对流冷却方案(Longitudinal forced convection),利用非定常边界条件的流−固耦合有限元仿真方法对比了全腔浸泡对流冷却(Cavity forced convection)、微通道传导冷却技术方案(Micro-channel conduction),针对入口流量、流场状态、流道壁面条件等因素进行了详细研究。在30 L/min入口流量下,该方案热交换区域固液界面平均对流换热系数达104 W·m−2·K−1量级,且均匀分布。此外,通过改变壁面粗糙程度能够获得更高的对流换热系数。根据设计结果研制了一套板条激光放大器,实验监测点的温度结果与模拟仿真预测结果相吻合,冷却性能达到预期。


    Abstract: Thermal problem becomes more prominent in the highly-pumped laser gain mediums, for which, the forced convective heat transfer with the advantages of reliability and durability is widely used. However, a flow direction induced temperature gradient always appears within the laser operating substance during the convective heat transfer. Subsequently, it is significantly responsible for the detrimental thermal stress which mainly cause the wave front distortion. Herein, considering the idea of temperature matching between flow field and the operating substance, a cooling configuration for double face pumped slab crystal based on longitudinal forced convective heat transfer was presented, which showed a more efficient cooling and achieved a most homogeneous temperature distribution within the crystal. The influences of flow rate, state of flow field and surface roughness were systematically studied that a fully developed flow state, higher flow rate and rougher surface lead to an improvement in cooling capability. In the simulation with 30 L/min flow rate, the calculated convective heat transfer coefficient was as high as 104 W·m2·K−1, and even higher when a more coarse surface was implemented. Furthermore, a module based on the configuration was fabricated and the experimental results agree well with the simulation, which shows a good temperature distribution and very weak thermal lensing is achieved.


