
Advances on theory and application  of polarization information propagation(Invited)

  • 摘要: 光的偏振态是电磁波的基本属性,偏振信息是使用光的偏振态作为信息表现形式的工程科学应用技术,需要合适的表征方法对其进行描述。由于大气散射特性,光在地球表面存在一种特殊的偏振分布模式,可以用于近地空间自主导航,同时,不同的偏振态在各种散射介质中传输也具有特定的变化规律。因此,研究光的偏振信息在不同分散介质中的传输特性,对其在现代军事、航空、海洋等领域内的广泛应用具有重要的参考价值。近年来,偏振光学成像技术广泛应用于雾霾、水下及其他散射介质中的清晰成像,并取得了很多优秀的研究成果。文中主要介绍了光的偏振态的各种表征形式、偏振信息在不同分散介质中的传输特性、经过散射介质后的偏振信息恢复算法、以及偏振去雾技术的应用等,并在最后展望了偏振信息应用的未来发展趋势。


    Abstract: The polarization state of light is the basic attribute of electromagnetic wave. Polarization information is an engineering science and applying technology, which uses the polarization states of light as the information representation, requiring proper characterizing methods to be described. Due to the scattering characteristics of atmosphere, light has a special polarization distribution pattern on the earth surface, which can be used for autonomous navigation in near-earth space. At the same time, the transmissions of different polarization states in various scattering media also have some specific transmission characteristics. Therefore, the investigations on the transmission characteristics of polarization information in different dispersive media have important values for its wide applications in modern military, aviation, marine and other fields. Meanwhile, in recent years, the optical polarization imaging has been widely applied for achieving clear imaging in haze, underwater and other scattering media systems, in which many excellent research results have been obtained. In this paper, various presentation forms of the polarization states of light, transmission characteristics of polarization information in different dispersion media systems, polarization information recovery algorithm, and application of polarization dehazing technology were mainly introduced. Lastly, the future-development trends for the applications of polarization information was prospected.


