
Research on the development of the detection satellite technology in oceanographic lidar

  • 摘要: 从国家海洋战略需求出发,对我国发展海洋激光雷达必要性进行分析,对海洋激光雷达的特点,以及国内外发展情况进行梳理;分析了目前国内外激光雷达建设规划与已发射星载激光雷达的情况,提出未来星载海洋激光雷达的发展方向,以及在轨预期数据应用产品,讨论了星载海洋激光雷达关键技术,给出了“十四五”期间海洋激光雷达的发展前景。


    Abstract: Started with needs of the national marine strategy, the necessity of China’s oceanographic lidar developing was analyzed, the characteristics and domestic overseas’ development of the oceanographic lidar were summarized; the oceanographic lidar current construction and planning at home and abroad and the launched spaceborne lidar’s situation were analyzed, the future spaceborne ocean lidar’s development direction was put forward and on-orbit data application product was expected, the key technology of the spaceborne ocean lidar was discussed, the application prospect of developing the oceanographic lidar during the 14th five year plan oceanographic was given.


