For many years, silicon and germanium have been considered the suited semiconductor materials for detectors and integrated optoelectronic devices fabrication. However, compared with diamond-based devices, such tetravalent semiconductors are less resistant to radiation damage, and the devices are less stable under harsh conditions or under high-energy light radiation. In recent years, due to the excellent optical and mechanical properties, diamond has become a promising material in the application of integrated photonics, sensors, and quantum optics etc. The laser-induced microstructures of diamond represents a powerful tool used for the development optical 3D-contacts devices all-carbon detectors graphite resistors on diamond, as well as the realization of single photon source. The physical mechanisms of femtosecond laser induced color center, graphitization and refractive index change in diamond were demonstrated. Based on this, the applications of the femtosecond laser induced micro-nano structures in diamond for single photon source, sensor and optical waveguide were introduced. Then, the future developing tendency in this field was prospected.