
Single photon quantum state measurement scheme for quantum circuit logic operation

  • 摘要: 在量子探测领域,关键任务之一就是要对未知量子态进行测量以获取量子态信息。通过将量子计算中的量子门所组成的量子线路应用于量子探测领域,提出实现单光子未知量子态的测量方案。利用量子计算的叠加性、纠缠性、可纠错性以及量子线路的可集成性,可以使得探测更具高效性并简化探测的实验系统。利用本文提出的探测新方案,通过仿真计算对该方案进行了模拟。在该方案的理论计算与仿真模拟结果的基础上,得到了以下的结论:通过在不同信噪比等参数的条件下选择适当的测量次数,基于量子线路的方案可以得到较为精确的测量结果。


    Abstract: In the field of quantum detection, one of the key tasks is to measure the unknown quantum state to obtain quantum state information. By applying the quantum circuit composed of quantum gates in quantum computing to the field of quantum detection, a measurement scheme for realizing the unknown quantum state of single photons was proposed. Utilizing the superposition of quantum computing, entanglement, error correctability, and the integratability of quantum lines, it was possible to make detection more efficient and simplify the experimental system of detection. Using the new detection method proposed in this paper, the scheme was simulated by simulation. Based on the theoretical calculation and simulation results of the scheme, the following conclusions was obtained:by selecting appropriate measurement times under different parameters such as SNR, the quantum line-based scheme can obtain more accurate measurement results.


