3D真的来了吗?— 三维结构光传感器漫谈

Has 3D finally come of age? ——An introduction to 3D structured-light sensor

  • 摘要: 三维成像与传感技术作为感知真实三维世界的重要信息获取手段,为重构物体真实几何形貌及后续的三维建模、检测、识别等方面提供了数据基础。近年来,计算机视觉和光电成像技术的发展以及消费电子与个人身份验证对3D传感技术日益增长的需求促进了三维成像与传感技术的蓬勃式发展。2D摄像头向3D传感器的转变也将成为继黑白到彩色、低分辨率到高分辨率、静态图像到动态影像后的“第四次影像革命”。《红外与激光工程》本期策划组织的“光学三维成像与传感”专题,共包含高水平稿件20篇,其中综述论文15篇,研究论文5篇。这些论文系统介绍了光学三维成像传感领域热点专题的研究进展与最新动态,主题全面涵盖了当前三维光学成像领域的前沿研究方向:结构光三维成像、条纹投影轮廓术、干涉测量技术、相位测量偏折术、三维立体显示技术(全息显示、集成光场显示等)、三维成像传感技术与计算成像相关交叉领域(如三维鬼成像)等。而此文作为本期专栏的引子,概括性地综述了典型的三维传感技术,并着重介绍了三维结构光传感器技术的发展现状、关键技术、典型应用;讨论了其现存问题、并展望了其未来发展方向,以求抛砖引玉。


    Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) imaging and sensing technologies, as valuable information acquisition tools for perceiving the real 3D world, provide data bases for the reconstruction of the geometric shape of objects and subsequent 3D modeling, detection, and recognition. Recently the development of computer vision and optoelectronic imaging technology, as well as the growing demand for 3D technologies in consumer electronics and personal authentication, have promoted the thriving growth of 3D imaging and sensing technologies. After the imaging revolution from monochrome to color, low resolution to high resolution, and static image to dynamic video, the transition of the camera from 2D to 3D will become the new "fourth imaging revolution." This issue of "Infrared and Laser Engineering" organizes a special topic on "Optical 3D Imaging and Sensing", which contains 20 high-quality articles, including 15 review papers and 5 research papers. These papers systematically introduce the research progress or trends of the cutting-edge research topics in the field of optical 3D imaging and sensing, and their themes comprehensively cover the current hot research directions in the field of 3D optical imaging: structured-light 3D imaging, fringe projection profilometry, interferometry, phase measuring deflectometry, 3D display technologies (such as holographic display, and integral/light field display), and the interdisciplinary fields of 3D sensing technologies and computational imaging technologies (such as 3D ghost imaging). As the preface of this issue, this paper summarizes the typical 3D sensing technologies and focuses on the current status, key technologies, and typical applications of the 3D structured-light sensor technologies, discusses its existing challenges, and looks forward to its future development directions.


