
Review of the system model and calibration for fringe projection profilometry

  • 摘要: 条纹投影轮廓术能较好地兼顾系统灵活性与测量精度,是光学三维表面成像与测量的主流技术。利用条纹投影轮廓术进行三维成像,首先需要建立合适的系统模型,然后通过系统标定来确定描述模型的系统参数,最后利用标定的系统模型进行三维重建,获得物体的三维表面形貌。由此可见,系统标定与系统模型密不可分,对三维成像的性能有直接影响。根据相位-三维映射和双目立体视觉两类不同的工作原理,对条纹投影轮廓术的系统模型和系统标定方法进行了综述,并简要总结了评估系统精度的方法和依据。


    Abstract: Fringe projection profilometry (FPP) can well balance the system flexibility and the measurement accuracy, which is the mainstream technology of optical 3D imaging and shape measurement. When working with FPP, first an appropriate system should be established, and then the system parameters describing the system model should be determined via system calibration, finally the 3D shape is generated with 3D reconstruction by using the calibrated system model. System calibration and system model are tightly coupled, which have a direct impact on the performance of 3D imaging. The principle of FPP can be divided into two categories, i.e. the phase-3D mapping and the binocular stereo vision. This paper reviewed the system model and calibration strategy of FPP, which corresponded to the above two categories. Finally the method and basis for the accuracy evaluation of FPP were summarized.


