
Study on techniques of anti-aerosol-interference for active optical target-detection device

  • 摘要: 激光近距探测装置(AOTD)在中低空和超低空使用时,云雾是一个重要干扰源,当飞行器略过云雾时,会导致AOTD虚警,甚至误输出执行信号。为了提高AOTD的在云雾中的工作能力,文中分析了AOTD工作原理和云雾的干扰原理。结合工程应用效果,总结了截止距离法、光学盲区法、光学抑制方法、视场对消法、参考视场法、形体识别法、激光/毫米波复合抗云雾干扰方法、窄脉冲/超窄脉冲激光探测法、激光成像法等。其中,激光/毫米波复合探测方法是更高效的方法。文末对各应用效果给出了初步的对比分析,有利于提高AOTD在云雾干扰环境中的工程应用性能,这些技术的综合应用,可以基本解决云雾干扰的问题,获得有效的抗干扰效果。


    Abstract: Aerosol-interference is a serious interference source for active optical target-detection device (AOTD) when it is used in lower sky or super low sky. When AOTD in a vehicle passes through aerosol, it may be wrong armed, even give out execution signal before right time. In order to increase the ability in aerosol environment, how the AOTD worked and how the aerosol interfered the AOTD were analyzed. It also showed out the techniques of anti-aerosol-interference used in engineering. The general techniques for anti-aerosol-interference were settings of cut-off distance method, weaken methods by optical parts, optical field restraining method, cancellation by symmetric views, setting reference view field, body recognition method, composite with Ka detectors, decreasing the width of transmitted pulse, image recognition method et al. Among these methods, the multimode detection method was a valuable way. Effects of different anti-interference methods were listed, the results shows integrated application of all the methods can increase the ability of AOTD.


