
Simulation study of smoke screen jamming laser terminal guidance projectile

  • 摘要: 随着精确制导武器的大量应用,实现了常规弹药集群攻击模式向制导弹药精确打击模式的转变,从而达到了最优的作战性价比,其激光武器被广泛应用于军事领域,为有效对抗激光武器,烟幕弹以性价比高等优势受到各国的青睐。以烟幕干扰激光末制导炮弹为例,研究了激光末制导炮弹的制导原理,烟幕干扰激光末制导炮弹的原理,将烟幕对激光导引头的遮蔽效果引入到外弹道仿真过程,以脱靶量为指标,建立了干扰系统仿真模型,实现了烟幕对抗激光末制导炮弹的干扰仿真研究。研究结果表明,该仿真系统可以为烟幕弹对付激光末制导炮弹提供最佳干扰策略,为典型烟幕弹药的作战训练和效能评估提供辅助决策。


    Abstract: With the large-scale application of precision guided weapons, it has realized the transition from conventional ammunition cluster attack mode to guided munition precision strike mode, thus achieving the best combat cost performance. Its laser weapons are widely used in the military field to effectively combat laser weapons. Smoke screen bombs are favored by all countries due to their high cost-effective advantages. In this study, taking the smoke screen interferes with laser terminal guided projectiles as an example, the guidance principle of laser terminal guided projectiles, and the principle of smoke screen interference with laser terminal guided projectiles were studied. The shielding effect of the smoke screen on the laser seeker was introduced into the simulation process of external ballistic. Taking miss distance as an indicator, the jamming system simulation model was established, and the simulation research of smoke screen against laser terminal guided projectiles was realized. The research results show that the simulation system can provide the best jamming strategy for smoke screens against laser terminal guided projectiles, and can provide auxiliary decision-making for combat training and effectiveness evaluation of typical smoke munitions.


