
Study on hyperspectral imager for the solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence observation(Invited)

  • 摘要: 研究了一种可用于植被日光诱导叶绿素荧光遥感的高光谱成像仪样机,用以满足对植被微弱荧光辐射探测的高信噪比、高光谱分辨率的科学探测需求。根据荧光与太阳夫琅禾费线的作用探测机理,结合探测科学需求分析完成了具备高性能的光学系统设计。系统工作波段为670~780 nm的可见-近红外谱段,可覆盖植物受太阳光照射而产生的荧光辐射特征波长;系统数值孔径为0.25,这种大通光能力可确保系统具备足够的信噪比;系统光谱分辨率优于0.3 nm,并同时具备良好的成像质量。样机的初步结果完全满足设计要求,该研究将为我国未来日光诱导叶绿素荧光高光谱成像探测提供一种有力的手段。


    Abstract: An prototype of imaging spectrometer for the remote sensing of solar induced chlorphyll fluorescence of vegetation was researched to satisfy the scientific requirements of high SNR and high spectral resolution for the weak fluorescence observation. Based on the principle of relationship between the fluorescence and solar Fraunhofer lines, the optimization of the optical system with high performance was completed. It covered the visible-near infrared working waveband of 670-780 nm, which also covered the special wavelengths of the solar induced fluorescence. The numerical aperture was 0.25 which ensured the enough SNR of the system. The imaging spectrometer also owned spectral resolution better than 0.3 nm and excellent imaging quality. The performance tests of the prototype were studied. The research will supply an excellent engineering application in the further solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence high spectral imaging observation.


