1280 × 1024,10 μm数字红外焦平面读出电路设计(特邀)

1280 × 1024, 10 μm digital IRFPA readout integrated circuit design (Invited)

  • 摘要: 焦平面红外探测器的数字读出是其发展的一个重要方向,相比传统的模拟红外焦平面探测器,数字红外焦平面探测器具有诸多优势。数字红外焦平面探测器的核心在于数字读出电路。文中详细介绍了1280 × 1024, 10 μm数字焦平面读出电路的设计和实现。通过对读出电路的测试得到其噪声为157 μV,在50 Hz帧频下功耗为165 mW,列级固定图案噪声为0.1%。所设计的数字读出电路与短波红外探测器成功实现了倒装焊互连并完成了成像,所成图像清晰、细节丰富。测试结果和探测器成像效果表明,所设计的数字读出电路具有低噪声、高传输带宽、高抗干扰性等特点,有助于提升红外焦平面探测器的各项性能。


    Abstract: Digital readout of infrared focal plane array (IRFPA) orients its development. Compared with traditional analog IRFPA, digital IRFPA has many advantages. The critical technique of digital IRFPA is the digital readout integrated circuit (DROIC). The design and implementation of the 1280 × 1024, 10 μm DROIC was introduced in detail in this paper. The DROIC was tested and the results showed its noise was 157 μV, the power consumption was 165 mW when frame rate was 50 Hz, and the column fix pattern noise was 0.1%. The DROIC interconnected short-wave infrared detector through flip chip successfully and completed imaging. The images had good resolution and rich details. The test results and images’ effect indicated that the DROIC has some features, such as low noise, wide transmission bandwidth and good resistance to interference and so on, and contributes to the development of IRFPA’s performance.


