
Simulation of the near-field focusing and the far-field imaging of microspherical lenses: A review

  • 摘要: 微球超分辨显微成像技术能够突破衍射极限并成倍提高传统光学显微镜的成像分辨率。因其具有成像系统简单,可实时成像,无需荧光染料标记,能在白光照明条件下工作,且可与市场上成熟的显微镜产品相兼容等优点,具有重要研究价值与广阔应用前景,发展潜力巨大。该技术发展至今已取得了众多令人瞩目的研究成果,但现阶段的研究主要集中在微球超分辨成像规律、成像质量的提高、微球的操控方法上。而针对微球透镜的超分辨成像机理与模型,目前尚未形成完善统一的认知与可靠一致的解释。在此背景下,文中梳理归纳了微球透镜近场聚焦及远场成像机理、数学模型、仿真技术等方面的研究工作,分析现有工作的意义与所存在的不足,指出该领域需要着重解决的问题,并对微球成像技术未来的发展方向给予展望。


    Abstract: Microsphere-assisted super-resolution microscopy is an emerging technique which can be used to overcome the diffraction limit of conventional optical microscopes and significantly enhance their resolution. This technique is very promising for various applications because of the simplicity of its operation, its label-free and real-time imaging nature and its ability to be performed under white-light illumination with commercially available optical microscopes. Although there are many impressive results coming out along with the development of this technique, most studies are about the imaging properties, imaging quality improvement and manipulation of microspheres. A comprehensive theory on the super-resolution mechanism is still missing. Within this context, the progress of the microsphere’s imaging theory and the numerical methods in simulating the near-field focusing and far-field imaging phenomenon of microspheres was reported in this paper. The challenges and the future of this technique were also discussed.


