
Progress and prospect of non-line-of-sight imaging (invited

  • 摘要: 传统的光学成像技术受限于信息获取和处理方式,只能对视域范围内的目标进行成像。伴随着新型成像设备和高性能计算方法的发展,集光学成像、计算技术和图像处理于一体的非视域成像技术(none-line-of-sight,NLOS)使超越视域范围成像成为可能。文中依据成像机理的差异,将现有非视域成像技术分为三类:基于相干信息的方法、基于二维强度信息的方法和基于光子飞行时间的方法,详细分析了不同成像方法的原理及实现。同时将基于光子飞行时间的方法作为综述重点,在包含多类型目标和室内外场景的公共数据集中,定量比较了代表性方法的成像性能,并进一步设计搭建了阵列式非共焦瞬态成像装置,单曝光采集了真实场景中的非共焦瞬态图像,分析了典型非共焦成像方法在该成像架构下的重建能力。最后讨论了非视域成像技术的未来发展方向并展望了其应用前景。


    Abstract: Limited by the methods of information acquisition and signal processing, traditional optical imaging technology can only image targets within the visual range. With the development of new imaging equipment and high-performance computing, nonline-of-sight (NLOS) imaging technology, which integrates optical imaging, computing technology and image processing, makes it possible to image beyond the field of view. Based on the differences in imaging mechanisms, we divide the existing NLOS methods into three categories: methods based on spatial coherence, two-dimensional intensity information and time-of-flight. We analyse the principles and implementations of different NLOS technologies. We focus on the time-of-flight methods and compare their imaging performance under the open dataset, which includes multiple types of targets and indoor and outdoor scenarios. Furthermore, we build a nonconfocal transient imaging system based on a detector array, capture the single-shot nonconfocal transient images and analyse the results of nonconfocal NLOS methods using these captured images. Finally, we prospect the future direction and application of nonline-of-sight imaging.


