
Analysis of airborne infrared detection performance of submarine thermal wake in stratified seawater

  • 摘要: 针对传统机载红外探测潜艇热尾流的计算方法未考虑温度、密度分层海水等实际海况,难以精准分析潜艇热尾流红外探测性能的问题。文中基于有限元分析方法,结合海面红外辐射模型和大气传输模型,构建出尾迹从浮升扩散、大气衰减到传感器探测的全链路数理模型,并应用模型开展全尺寸潜艇模型的仿真,实现在温度、密度分层海水情况下对潜艇热尾流红外探测性能的精准分析。结果表明:海水温度、密度分层条件对于潜艇尾迹的仿真和反演精度至关重要,当其他条件都相同时,海水温度、密度分层与不分层仿真出了截然相反的结果,不分层条件下海面为热尾迹,而分层条件下海面却为冷尾迹,直接影响对潜艇热尾迹反演精度。相比于海水分层,不分层情况下潜艇的反演误差达到了238.2 m,水面的尾迹温差不但相差了0.152 K,还呈现出了冷尾迹的现象。文中的研究对机载红外设备发现潜艇航行尾流特性的高精度识别反演具有重要意义。


      Objective  At present, most of the calculation methods for thermal wake detection by MRTD analysis consider the water body as uniformly distributed seawater. The stratified nature of seawater temperature and density has great influence on the inversion accuracy of submarine thermal wake on the surface temperature distribution, rise time and wake rise distance. However, the research at home and abroad mainly focuses on the improvement of MRTD algorithm of infrared system or derivation of the detection ability of infrared detector based on other parameters of the system, as well as the influence of weather and other factors on wake detection, and has not analyzed the influence of seawater stratification on wake detection and inversion. Therefore, the research on infrared radiation detection of thermal wake under the conditions of stratified seawater temperature and density is of great significance to the infrared detection of submarines.
      Methods  For the lack of infrared detection of submarine thermal wake under the condition of stratified sea water temperature and density, the calculation error of detection distance and inversion accuracy error of submarine are large. Based on the finite element analysis method, the research on submarine infrared radiation characteristics under the condition of seawater stratification is carried out in this paper. Firstly, the finite element analysis method is used to simulate the floating process of submarine thermal wake in stratified seawater by a full-size submarine model with propeller and bridge characteristics. Then, according to the sea surface infrared radiation model and atmospheric transmission model, the full-link mathematical and physical model of the wake from floating diffusion, atmospheric transmission atmospheric attenuation to sensor detection is built, and the detection distance of the infrared detector to the submarine thermal wake under the condition of layered seawater is calculated according to the specific infrared detector performance parameters.
      Results and Discussions   The comparison shows that the stratification condition of seawater has a great influence on the detection of wake. With 95% detection probability, the detection distance of the wake increases by 10.61%, the identification distance of the wake increases by 9.32%, and the recognition distance of the wake increases by 8.28% (Tab.2). In the case of stratified water, the wake is presented as a cold wake on the water surface. The temperature difference between the cold wake and the sea surface is 0.152 K larger than that between the hot wake and the sea surface in the case of non-stratified water. The submarine travels 340 m forward without stratified seawater and 101.8 m under stratified seawater temperature and density. Compared with seawater stratification, the inversion error of submarine without stratification reaches 238.2 m, and the wake temperature difference on the surface is not only 0.152 K, but also cold wake phenomenon. It can be seen that the seawater stratification condition has a great influence on the submarine's inversion accuracy, and even directly leads to incorrect results.
      Conclusions  The mathematical and physical model of the wake from floating diffusion, atmospheric decay to full link of sensor detection under the condition of seawater temperature and density stratification is established. The influence of seawater temperature and density stratification on the wake floating speed, the detection distance of the infrared detection system to the wake and the inversion error of the wake are obtained by simulation calculation. That is, it takes 101.8 s for the wake to rise to the surface at 50 m under the condition of stratified seawater temperature and density. Under the same conditions, when the seawater is not stratified, the time taken for the wake to rise to the surface is 340 s, which is much longer than that for the stratified seawater. This is due to the lower underwater temperature of the stratified seawater and the large density difference conducive to the floating of the hot wake. The discovery distance of the delaminated water body wake is 6.451 km, the identification distance of the wake is 1.631 km, and the recognition distance of the wake is 0.824 km. The unclassified detection distance, identification distance and recognition distance are 5.832 km, 1.492 km and 0.761 km, respectively. Compared with seawater delamination, the inversion error of submarine wake is 238.2 m without delamination, the temperature difference of wake on water surface is 0.152 K, and the cold and hot wakes on sea surface are different.


