
Approach to generation of flat optical frequency comb using cascaded phase modulator and intensity modulator

  • 摘要: 光学频率梳在光通信、光谱学等领域有广泛的应用。平坦度是光学频率梳重要的性能指标。使用级联相位调制器和强度调制器产生光学频率梳的方法,是让叠加的谐波驱动调制器,通过调节驱动电信号的幅度和相位以及强度调制器的偏置电压,可以实现平坦度好的光学频率梳。首先,建立光学频率梳的优化问题模型,通过差分进化算法得到上述各个参数,并得到在不同叠加微波驱动信号下的平坦光学频率梳。其次,固定某一微波驱动信号的相位,在同一优化问题下使用同样方法得到微波驱动信号的其他参数,并分析生成的平坦光学频率梳性能。最后,搭建实验系统,根据仿真得到的优化参数确定实验参数,并得到相应的光学频率梳。研究表明,当采用基频和三次谐波驱动相位调制器、采用四次谐波驱动强度调制器时,可以产生13根谱线的光学频率梳,仿真和实验时的平坦度分别为0.27 dB和0.83 dB。当采用基频、三次谐波和五次谐波同时驱动相位调制器和强度调制器时,可以产生19根谱线的光学频率梳,仿真显示其平坦度为0.56 dB。以上仿真和实验结果证明了所提方法的可行性和鲁棒性。


      Objective  Optical frequency comb (OFC) is widely used in optical communication system and spectroscopy. OFC can be generated by using mode-locked laser and electro-optic modulators (EOMs). Although the EOM-based OFC has good performance of flexibility, its flatness performance can be improved. The flatness of OFC is determined mainly by the modulation index and phase of driving microwave signal in phase modulation, which is the fundamental process of electro-optic modulation. Therefore, the optimized modulation index and phase of driving signal as well as other parameters are critical to the generation of flat OFC. In addition, due to the periodicity of driving signals' phases, one of the phases can be left without adjustment in the experiment to achieve flat OFC. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, this phenomenon has seldom been investigated.
      Methods  An approach to the generation of flat OFC is proposed, where cascaded phase modulator (PM) and intensity modulator (IM) are driven by combined harmonics (Fig.1). The parameters of driving harmonics and IM are optimized, where the optimization problem is formulated to minimize the variance of power for the OFC with certain number of comb lines. Differential evolution (DE) algorithm is applied to solve the optimization problem. Feasible solutions for combined harmonics are investigated in simulation. Experiment is also carried out to verify the feasibility of proposed approach (Fig.13). Although the phases of all the combined driving harmonics can be optimized, it is found that one of the driving harmonics' phases can be left without optimization while the performance of flatness is not affected.
      Results and Discussions   When the fundamental tone and third harmonic are combined to drive the PM and the fourth harmonic drives the IM, a 13-line OFC is generated, where the flatness is 0.27 dB and 0.83 dB under simulation and experiment respectively (Fig.3, Fig.14). When the fundamental tone, third harmonic, and fifth harmonic are combined to drive both the PM and IM, a 19-line OFC with 0.56 dB flatness is achieved in simulation (Fig.4). The rest feasible solutions to generate flat OFC are listed (Tab.1). The relationship between number of comb lines and flatness is also investigated (Fig.12). When the number of comb lines is no larger than 7, the flatness is 0 dB; when the number of comb lines is larger than 7, the flatness increases as the number of comb lines grows. If the phase of one of the driving harmonics is fixed when the optimization problem is being solved, the flatness performances for the cases listed (Tab.1) are not affected (Fig.5, Fig.9-11). Regarding the case in Tab.1(b), the modulation indices for all the three driving harmonics are also investigated, when one of three harmonics' phases is fixed in the simulation (Fig.6-8).
      Conclusions  This work investigates the approach to generate flat OFC by using cascaded PM and IM. These EOMs are driven by combined harmonics, where the parameters are optimized, such as the modulation index and phase of each driving harmonic as well as the bias phase caused by the bias voltage of IM. The optimized parameters are obtained by using DE algorithm, which solves the optimization problem to minimize the variance of power for the OFC. Both simulation and experiment have been carried out to achieve flat OFC. When the combined fundamental tone as well as third harmonic drive the PM and the fourth harmonic drives the IM, a 13-line OFC is generated with 0.27 dB and 0.83 dB flatness under simulation and experiment respectively. It is found that when one of the driving harmonics' phases is fixed, flat OFC can also be achieved by solving the same optimization problem. This phenomenon makes it possible to generate flat OFC in the experiment without adjusting that phase. Therefore, both the feasibility and robustness of the proposed approach are guaranteed.


