
Analysis of coverage of the near space spaceborne wind interferometer

  • 摘要: 星载测风干涉仪采用临边观测模式测量大气气辉谱线的多普勒频移来实现大气风场探测,干涉仪有效覆盖性会受到探测目标源及卫星平台模式的限制,在卫星任务规划前端对观测数据进行分析,判断其是否满足科学目标,对风场数据应用具有重要意义。首先,建立了临边观测几何模型,对卫星运行期间仪器的临边切点分布情况进行仿真;其次,探讨了影响仪器有效观测的主要因素,并以昼气辉探测为例,分析在不同时段下,太阳入射角与干涉仪有效时空覆盖性之间的关系;最后使用分离变量法研究卫星轨道参数对测风干涉仪有效覆盖性的影响,并评估不同轨道参数下的干涉仪对欧亚大陆的覆盖百分比。结果表明:1)影响仪器有效观测的因素主要为太阳天顶角和太阳散射角,太阳入射角影响切点纬度覆盖范围和切点地方时;2)卫星轨道倾角和轨道高度共同决定仪器有效覆盖效率,且轨道倾角为欧亚大陆覆盖百分比的主要影响因素,当轨道倾角在60°~80°之间时,覆盖百分比可达到百分百。文中为星载干涉仪的后续设计及性能评估提供了观测几何框架,实现了载荷观测覆盖效能的定量分析,且该模型具备泛用于其他各类大气光学遥感载荷观测模式分析的能力。


      Objective  Spaceborne wind interferometer uses the limb observation mode to measure the Doppler shift of atmospheric airglow lines to realize atmospheric wind field detection. The effective coverage of interferometer will be limited by the source and satellite mode. It is of great significance for the application of wind field data to analyze the observation data at the front end of satellite mission planning to determine whether it meets the scientific objectives.
      Methods  According to the satellite orbit parameters and the instrument boresight parameters, the geometric model of limb observation is established (Fig.1), and the distribution of limb tangent points of instruments during satellite operation is simulated. Then, the main factors affecting the effective observation of the instrument are discussed, and the relationship between the solar incidence angle and the effective spatio-temporal coverage of the interferometer at different time periods is analyzed by taking the detection of dayglow as an example (Fig.5). Finally, the method of variable separation is applied to study the influence of satellite orbit parameters on the effective coverage of the wind interferometer, and the coverage percentage of the interferometer under different orbit parameters on the Eurasian is evaluated.
      Results and Discussions  1) The main factors affecting the effective observation of the instrument are the zenith angle and the scattering angle of the sun. The solar incidence angle affects both the latitude coverage and the local time of the tangent point. (Fig.6-8). 2) The coverage efficiency of the instrument is affected by both orbital inclination and orbital altitude. Moreover, orbital inclination is the main orbital parameter affecting the coverage percentage of Eurasia continent. When the orbital inclination is between 60° and 80°, the coverage percentage can reach 100% (Fig.12).
      Conclusions  This paper provides an observational geometric framework for the subsequent design and performance evaluation of the spaceborne interferometer, and realizes the quantitative analysis of the coverage efficiency of payload observation. The model has the ability to be widely used in the analysis of observation models of other types of atmospheric optical remote sensing payloads.


