张学志, 赵红东, 刘伟娜, 赵一鸣, 关松. 基于改进YOLOv5的红外车辆检测方法[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2023, 52(8): 20230245. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230245
引用本文: 张学志, 赵红东, 刘伟娜, 赵一鸣, 关松. 基于改进YOLOv5的红外车辆检测方法[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2023, 52(8): 20230245. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230245
Zhang Xuezhi, Zhao Hongdong, Liu Weina, Zhao Yiming, Guan Song. An infrared vehicle detection method based on improved YOLOv5[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(8): 20230245. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230245
Citation: Zhang Xuezhi, Zhao Hongdong, Liu Weina, Zhao Yiming, Guan Song. An infrared vehicle detection method based on improved YOLOv5[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(8): 20230245. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230245


An infrared vehicle detection method based on improved YOLOv5

  • 摘要: 红外图像可在低照度、恶劣天气等条件下工作,红外车辆检测技术旨在使用红外传感器来监测道路上的车辆,实现对车辆数量、车速等信息的收集与分析,该技术不仅可应用于路面车辆,还可应用于铁路、机场、港口等场景,为交通运输行业的安全和便捷提供了有效的技术支持。然而,由于红外图像成像原理的局限和外部环境的干扰,通常导致红外图像成像质量不理想,红外车辆检测仍然存在许多问题。文中提出了一种改进的YOLOv5模型,在YOLOv5的主干部分引入了混合注意力机制,使模型能够更好地关注研究者感兴趣的区域,抑制图像噪声的干扰。此外,在BiFPN基础上提出了一种改进的Z-BiFPN特征融合结构,融合更多的浅层信息,提高浅层信息利用率,并增加一个四分之一下采样的小目标检测层,同时将YOLOv5的检测头替换为解耦头来提升模型的检测能力。在自建的七类红外车辆数据集INFrared-417上进行了实验,验证了算法的有效可行性。与原始YOLOv5相比,mAP从81.1%提升到了85.3%。


      Objective  Infrared image technology is capable of working in low-light and adverse weather conditions. Infrared vehicle detection technology is designed to use infrared sensors to monitor vehicles on roads, enabling the collection and analysis of information related to vehicle quantity and speed, which can be used to achieve traffic management and safety control. This technology can be applied not only to road vehicles, but also to rail transport, airports, and ports, providing effective technical support for the safety and convenience of the transportation industries. However, infrared vehicle detection still faces many challenges due to the low resolution, low contrast, and blurred edges of small targets in infrared images. Traditional hand-crafted image feature extraction methods are not adaptable nor robust, require substantial prior knowledge and have low efficiency. Therefore, this paper aims to explore deep learning-based vehicle detection models, which plays an important role in traffic regulation.
      Methods  YOLOv5 is a one-stage object detection algorithm that is characterized by its lightweight design, ease of deployment, and high accuracy, making it widely used in industrial applications. In this paper, a CFG mixed attention mechanism (Fig.2) is introduced into the model backbone to help the model better locate the vehicle area in the image and improve its feature extraction ability, due to the low resolution of infrared images. In the feature fusion part, an improved Z-BiFPN structure (Fig.5) is proposed to incorporate more information in the shallow fusion, thereby improving the utilization of shallow information. A small object detection layer is added, and the Decoupled Head (Fig.6) is used to separate classification and regression, improving the model's ability to detect small target vehicles.
      Results and Discussions   In order to improve the model's generalization ability, an infrared image dataset INFrared-417 (Fig.7) consisting of seven categories of bus, truck, car, van, person, bicycle and elecmot, was constructed by collecting data and combining existing infrared datasets. The main evaluation metrics used were AP (Average Precision) and mAP (mean Average Precision), with P (Precision) and R (Recall) as secondary metrics for the experiments. The ablation experiment results (Tab.1) confirmed the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed improvement methods, with mAP improving by 4.0%, and AP significantly improving for the van, person, and bicycle categories, while P increased by 1.7% and R increased by 3.6%. In addition, the comparison results (Fig.10) demonstrated that the improved model reduced false alarm and missed detection rates, while improving the detection of small targets. The comparison experiment results (Tab.2) also showed that the proposed improved model had excellent performance in terms of detection accuracy and model parameter count.
      Conclusions  This paper proposes an improved infrared vehicle detection algorithm. By introducing the mixed attention mechanism, the model is able to better focus on the vehicle region in the image and enhance its feature extraction ability. The improved Z-BiFPN is used in the model neck to efficiently integrate context information. At the same time, the detection head is replaced with a more advanced Decoupled Head to improve the detection ability, and a small object detection layer is added to improve the ability to capture small targets. It is hoped that this model can be applied in traffic control.


