李剑, 张大勇. 国外光电瞄准吊舱探测系统总体构架的对比分析[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2024, 53(1): 20230353. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230353
引用本文: 李剑, 张大勇. 国外光电瞄准吊舱探测系统总体构架的对比分析[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2024, 53(1): 20230353. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230353
Li Jian, Zhang Dayong. Comparison and analysis of the overall architecture of foreign EO targeting pod detection system[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2024, 53(1): 20230353. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230353
Citation: Li Jian, Zhang Dayong. Comparison and analysis of the overall architecture of foreign EO targeting pod detection system[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2024, 53(1): 20230353. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20230353


Comparison and analysis of the overall architecture of foreign EO targeting pod detection system

  • 摘要: 回顾了国外军队装备的四代光电瞄准吊舱的技术特点和发展历程,定义了光学口径和吊舱舱径之比(光舱比)作为衡量集成度的标准,重点针对第三代的Sniper XR ATP和ATFLIR两型采用共光路串联布局吊舱的探测系统进行了分析和正向设计:二者均拥有Φ150 mm口径,约1.5°×1.5°视场,在0.7~0.9 μm和3.7~4.8 μm波段的传递函数接近衍射限,前者为透射式前置望远系统,后者为离轴三反式前置望远系统,二者的结构布局为:前置望远系统置于吊舱前部压缩光束,通过光学铰链和快反镜将光束导入吊舱中,部分光进入各自的探测通道或激光发射通道。其中,类ATP的透射式前置望远系统可在汇聚光路中折叠形成俯仰/方位正交轴系并置于305 mm舱径内,光舱比约0.492;类ATFLIR的离轴三反式前置望远系统可在压缩后的平行光路中折叠形成方位/俯仰两个正交轴系并置于Φ330 mm的球体内,光舱比约0.455。作为对比,采用共光舱并联布局的第四代Litening 5和Talios吊舱探测系统将所有光学载荷和伺服框架平台置于吊舱前部的Φ406 mm球体内,光舱比约0.37,其并联共光舱设计架构的集成度较低。针对未来可能的升级要求,类ATFLIR吊舱比ATP吊舱具有更强的生命力,其采用纯反射式的前置望远系统可以更方便地增加波段和拓展功能。


      Significance   The technical characteristics and development process of four generations of EO (electro-optical) targeting pod are compared. The design focus and key points of each generation are summarized. Focusing on the overall design of the detection system of AN/AAQ-33 Sniper XR ATP pod and AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR pod, as well as the newly emerging fourth generation products such as Litening 5 and Talios pods, this paper provides a reference for the development of the new generation EO targeting pod detection system.
      Progress  Firstly, the ratio of optical aperture to pod diameter (ROP) is defined as a standard for measuring the integration level of optical machinery and servo control system. The higher the ROP is, the higher the system integration degree is.   Secondly, the optical system of ATP and ATFLIR is analyzed, which are regarded as the typical 3rd generation targeting pod, both adopt the series common optical path architecture of front telescope system and servo frame platform are placed at the head of the pod. And the compressed parallel beams are introduced into the beam splitter and rear detection/laser emission system which are placed at the middle of the pod through the optical hinge and fast steering mirror (FSM). The two pods' small field of view (sFOV) is about 1.5°×1.5°, and the wavelength is 0.7-0.9 μm & 3.7-4.8 μm, and their modulation of transfer function (MTF) are close to diffraction limit. A refractive front telescope system like ATP with φ150 mm common optical path is forward designed, and the result verifies the optical system considering the servo frame platform can be installed into a pod of φ305 mm diameter, and the ROP is 0.492; A off-axis three mirror astigmatism (TMA) front telescope system like ATFLIR with φ150 mm common optical path is forward designed, and the result verifies the optical system can be installed into a pod of φ330 mm diameter, and the ROP is 0.455 (Fig.4, Fig.7).   Finally, as a comparison, the optical parameters of Litening 5 and Talios (Fig.9-10) are introduced, which are regarded as the fourth generation targeting pods. The detection systems adopt a parallel common cabin layout, with all the optical payload and servo frame platform installed inside a sphere with φ406 mm diameter, and their largest optical apertures are still φ150 mm. The ROP of Litening 5 and Talios is 0.37 and 0.38, much lower than ATP and ATFLIR, indicating low integration levels. Litening 5 pod addes a shortwave infrared imaging band, which has high fog penetration ability; Talios pod addes the step-and-stare scan imaging ability; Both of them add visible light color imaging function to improve detection and recognition probability. However, based on the optical design analysis, ATP and ATFLIR can easily modify their optical systems to achieve these functions, indicating the two pods have strong vitality due to their forward-looking overall architectures, and the improvement of ATFLIR optics is much easier than that of ATP.
      Conclusions and Prospects  In the future, the targeting pod needs to integrate functions such as air-to-air detection, laser communication, and directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM), and must have high functional density. The series layout architecture using a pure reflection common path front telescope system, optical hinges, FSM, rear detection/laser emission system has strong scalability and expansibility.


