
Uncertainty quantification analysis of afterburning reaction rates on infrared radiation signatures of rocket exhaust plume

  • 摘要: 高保真复燃化学反应模型是准确预估火箭发动机尾焰红外辐射特性的关键,其中复燃化学反应模型参数的偏差,会影响尾焰红外辐射特性模拟结果的可信度。因此,对复燃化学反应模型参数展开了不确定度量化分析,定量评估了化学反应速率的不确定性对流场参数及红外辐射特性数值模拟的影响。以复燃化学反应速率为不确定性变量,尾焰反应流场和红外辐射为系统响应值,基于非嵌入多项式混沌方法,采用随机响应面法求解多项式系数,结合Sobol指数算法量化由化学反应模型参数不确定性引起的红外辐射信号的不确定度。结果表明,化学反应速率对流场温度的影响较小,均体现在复燃高温区域,不确定度约为7.63%;燃气组分H2O的摩尔分数的不确定度相较CO2高出8.2%,且对低含量区域的不确定度较大;红外辐射强度的不确定度在(2.7±0.3) μm波段较高,约为20.4%,较(4.3±0.3) μm波段高出7.8%;化学反应速率对红外辐射强度的灵敏程度均表现为三个链式反应为主要贡献。基于反应速率试验数据重构关键链式反应的化学反应动力学速率模型,该研究可为准确预测火箭发动机尾焰的红外辐射特性提供支撑。


    Objective Afterburning of rocket exhaust plumes releases a large amount of heat, which significantly raise the temperature level and infrared radiation intensity of the plume and reduce the stealth capability of the vehicle. Therefore, it is very important to accurately predict the afterburning process of the rocket exhaust plume for finely describing the multi-component reaction flows and to improve the calculation accuracy of the infrared radiation of the exhaust plume. The high-fidelity chemical reaction kinetic model is often used to describe the chemical non-equilibrium afterburning reaction of high-speed flow field. Due to the uncertainty of the parameters of the afterburning chemical model, the reliability of the simulation results of the infrared radiation signature of the plume will be affected. This article will quantitatively study the uncertainty of the reburning reaction rate to evaluate its impact on the exhaust plume flow field parameters and infrared radiation characteristics. Based on this, the key reactions that affect the uncertainty of infrared radiation are extracted and reconstructed. This study can provide theoretical support for accurately predicting the infrared radiation characteristics of the exhaust plume.
    Methods The finite rate chemical reaction model expressed by Arrhenius equation was adopted, and it was a H2/CO/HCl system with the 12-species 17-reaction chemical reaction kinetic model. The Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method was employed to design the sampling of uncertain input parameters. The physical property parameters of the exhaust plume radiation were calculated using the statistical narrow-band (SNB) model. The radiative transport equation was solved employing the light-of-sight (LOS) method. Additionally, uncertainty analysis of the reacting flows and infrared radiation of rocket exhaust plumes were conducted using the No-polynomial Chaos Expansions (NIPC) method and the Sobol index algorithm.
    Results and Discussions The maximum uncertainty of the chemical reaction rates on the temperature of the flow field is about 7.63% (Fig.5(a)) and the temperature difference along the plume centerline between the reference value and the mean value calculated by NIPC is up to 6.45% (Fig.6(a)). The maximum standard deviation of the molar fraction of CO2 is 0.001 2 and the uncertainty is about 2.5% (Fig.5(b)). The maximum standard deviation of the molar fraction of H2O is 0.012 3 and the uncertainty is about 10.7% (Fig.5(c)). The uncertainty of infrared radiation intensity within the 2.7 μm band is about 20.4%, which is 7.8% higher than that in the 4.3 μm band (Fig.7-Fig.8). The sensitivity of chemical reaction rate to infrared radiation intensity shows that three chain reactions of H+O2↔OH+O, H2+O↔OH+H and H+OH+M↔H2O+M are the main contributors (Fig.9).
    Conclusions The uncertainty of the afterburning chemical reaction rate on the flow field structure, temperature and gas mole fraction is small and the uncertainty is negatively correlated with the standard deviation. The uncertainty of chemical reaction rate to infrared radiation is higher than that of flows, the uncertainty of 2.7 μm is the highest and the uncertainty of different bands is different. All the 17 reactions have different effects for the infrared radiation, and the sensitivity of the three chain reactions to infrared radiation is the largest. Based on the reaction rate experimental data, the chemical kinetic rates of the three chain reactions are reconstructed and the relevant parameters are given.


