王天成, 郁王涛, 陈维芸, 郭忠义. 傅里叶单像素成像技术研究进展(特邀)[J]. 红外与激光工程. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20240378
引用本文: 王天成, 郁王涛, 陈维芸, 郭忠义. 傅里叶单像素成像技术研究进展(特邀)[J]. 红外与激光工程. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20240378
WANG Tiancheng, YU Wangtao, CHEN Weiyun, GUO Zhongyi. Research advances on Fourier single-pixel imaging technology (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20240378
Citation: WANG Tiancheng, YU Wangtao, CHEN Weiyun, GUO Zhongyi. Research advances on Fourier single-pixel imaging technology (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20240378


Research advances on Fourier single-pixel imaging technology (invited)

  • 摘要: 计算光学成像,通过光学系统和信号处理的有机结合与联合优化实现特定成像特性的成像系统,摆脱了传统成像系统的限制,为光学成像技术添加了浓墨重彩的一笔,并逐步向简单化与智能化的方向发展。单像素成像(Single-Pixel Imaging, SPI)作为计算成像的重要分支,受到诸多学者的广泛关注。SPI利用空间光调制器调制出一系列具有不同空间结构的照明光场并投射到待成像目标场景,再用单像素探测器记录光场强度信息;而后利用预置的照明光场与记录的信号强度值之间的关联信息,实现对探测目标计算成像。由于其不需要面阵列探测器、调焦系统等复杂器件的配合使用,大大降低了光学成像的门槛。傅里叶单像素成像(Fourier Single-Pixel Imaging, FSPI)作为SPI典型的成像方法之一,由于其高效的成像表现,自被提出之后已经被应用到三维成像、边缘检测、散射成像等众多领域,衍生出了一系列的成像技术。文中从SPI的角度出发,主要介绍了FSPI的实现原理及相关成像技术方法研究进展,主要包括FSPI的光场调制技术、路径优化技术、重构方法及相应的应用场景研究进展,同时也对该领域亟待解决的问题进行了总结分析,并对未来的研究方向及相关应用进行了展望。


    Significance  In recent years, Fourier Single-Pixel Imaging (FSPI) technology has become a promising choice among the base-scanning Single-Pixel Imaging (SPI) methods due to its balance of high efficiency and high quality. This technology samples the target by projecting Fourier basis illumination patterns and achieves precise reconstruction from one-dimensional data to two-dimensional images with the help of efficient reconstruction algorithms. The FSPI technology does not rely on traditional array detectors and complex imaging systems, which doesn’t only reduce the hardware requirements for optical imaging but also broadens the range of applications, especially demonstrating significant advantages in resource-constrained or complex environmental scenarios. Therefore, research on the FSPI technology in the field of computational optical imaging holds important scientific value and application prospects.
    Progress  Research on the FSPI technology contains some key aspects, such as light field modulation, path optimization, reconstruction algorithms, and application scenarios. In light field modulation, the spatial dithering strategy converts Fourier grayscale illumination fields into binary illumination fields, leveraging the high-speed modulation capabilities of spatial light modulators, but this approach sacrifices image spatial resolution, affecting reconstruction quality and clarity. Although the signal dithering strategy improves the modulation rate, it does not fully match the modulation rate of the spatial light modulator to some extents. As for the path optimization, traditional sampling paths can quickly recover targets and maintain good image quality, but their adaptability to different scenes is limited. Sparse sampling methods, based on signal sparsity, reduce the number of sampling points to lower data acquisition costs while retaining sufficient information for effective reconstruction; however, these methods often require prior knowledge and have high complexity. Adaptive sampling strategies offer targeted solutions by dynamically adjusting the position and density of sampling points to optimize imaging performance. Combining adaptive sampling with deep learning is an effective approach that can further optimize sampling strategies, however, it requires high pre-training costs and potentially suboptimal performance in different imaging systems. In reconstruction algorithms, Fourier inversion demonstrates robustness under specific noise conditions but may degrade image quality in practical environments, such as atmospheric turbulence. Second-order correlation imaging, which reconstructs scenes through statistical averaging, shows good anti-scattering performance but has slightly lower imaging efficiency. Compressed sensing algorithms use signal sparsity to reduce sampling rates, but their high computational complexity and time costs are still challenging. Deep learning methods significantly enhance imaging quality at low sampling rates but require large datasets for training, and discrepancies between training and real-world environments can affect overall accuracy. The FSPI technology has shown significant potential and great value in applications such as 3D imaging, edge detection, and scattering imaging, providing innovative solutions and new directions for future imaging technology developments.
    Conclusions and Prospects  With its unique imaging principles and advantages, the FSPI technology plays an important role in many fields. However, there are still many unresolved problems and challenges. Future researches can focus on optimizing imaging algorithms, improving system stability, and expanding the range of applications. In particular, advances in adaptive light modulation and real-time processing will further enhance the capabilities of FSPI technology in complex and realistic imaging scenarios, thus promoting its transformation from theoretical research to practical applications.


