
Research on vacuum ultraviolet spectral responsivity calibration device based on synchrotron radiation

  • 摘要: 光谱响应度作为光学计量领域国际六大重点比较之一,反映了探测器对不同波长光的响应能力,真空紫外光谱响应度校准技术的研究对真空紫外探测技术的发展起着至关重要的作用。为了适应真空紫外探测技术的快速发展,满足国内对探测器校准技术的需求,提升真空紫外波段的校准能力,建立了真空紫外光谱响应度校准装置。真空紫外光谱响应度校准装置由标准光源(同步辐射源)、标准探测器(增强型硅光电二极管探测器)、真空滤波系统和真空仓等部分组成。装置使用比对法对被校准探测器进行校准,使用标准探测器对被校准探测器进行量值传递。校准的光谱范围为10 ~200 nm ,对探测器的校准的不确定度最大为10%(k=2)。


    Objective At present, vacuum ultraviolet space detection technology is widely used in a number of scientific and technological projects in China, such as extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, Fengyun satellite, Mars exploration plan, Kuafu plan, etc. The national demand for calibration technology for related vacuum ultraviolet detection systems is also becoming more and more urgent. As one of the six international key comparisons in the field of optical metrology, spectral responsivity reflects the response ability of detectors to different wavelengths of light, and the research on vacuum ultraviolet spectral responsivity calibration technology plays a vital role in the development of vacuum ultraviolet detection technology. The domestic spectral responsivity calibration technology cannot fully cover the 10-200 nm band. Therefore, in this paper, we will carry out the research on the vacuum ultraviolet spectral responsivity calibration device based on synchrotron radiation source to realize the spectral responsivity calibration of the vacuum ultraviolet 10-200 nm band, and control the spectral responsivity calibration uncertainty within 10%.
    Methods  A vacuum ultraviolet spectral responsivity calibration device based on synchrotron radiation was constructed. The light source is a synchrotron radiation source located in the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory in Hefei, and the detector uses a silicon photodiode with a model of AXUV100G, and the calibration process uses the comparison method to calibrate the calibration of the calibrated detector. The wavelength is calibrated using a gas ionization chamber prior to calibration, and the Gaussian harmonics are filtered using a gas filter cell during calibration.
    Results and Discussions The uncertainty of the synchrotron radiation-based spectral responsivity calibration device was analyzed and verified. The uncertainty component introduced by the measurement repeatability, the uncertainty component introduced by the vacuum ultraviolet beamline instability of the synchrotron radiation source, the uncertainty component introduced by the standard detector, and the uncertainty component introduced by the data acquisition equipment were introduced respectively, and the relative extended uncertainty of the calibration device was calculated to meet the requirements of 10-35 nm: U=2.0% (k=2), 35-130 nm: U=10% (k=2), 130-200 nm:U=3.0%(k=2).
    Conclusions A set of vacuum ultraviolet spectral responsivity calibration device based on synchrotron radiation source was established, and the calibration wavelength range covered 10-200 nm, which effectively made up for the gap of relevant calibration bands in China. The gas ionization chamber is used to self-calibrate its own wavelength before calibration, and the Gaussian harmonics are suppressed using a gas filter cell during the test. It has a wide range of application and promotion value in the field of space exploration. In the future, it is planned to use the self-developed cryogenic radiometer to realize the traceability of relevant bands, laying the foundation for getting rid of foreign monopoly.


