
Long-distance image fusion system for infrared and LLL/visible bands

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于查找表的硬件方法,实现了基于l空间色彩传递的图像融合,并以此为基础研制了一种红外热像仪/微光电视/CCD融合成像系统。微光电视和CCD分别在夜间和白天与热像仪融合,构成一全天时的融合成像系统。该系统能够获得近似自然色的图像融合效果,并具有较好的色彩一致性。系统还设计了两种视场,以适应大视场搜索、小视场跟踪的需要;增加了激光测距能力,以满足距离估算的需要。实验结果表明了该系统在导航、监控和目标探测等方面的应用潜力。


    Abstract: A hardware approach based on looking-up table was proposed to implement image fusion by transferring natural daylight colors to multi-band images in the l space, and consequently a long-distance infrared and low light level (LLL)/visible fusion imaging system was developed. An LLL camera and a CCD fusing with an infrared thermal imager in the night and day respectively, which ensured the system to keep 24-hour fusion imaging. The colors in the resulting colorized multiband night-time images closely resemble the colors in the daytime color reference image and object colors remain good color constancy. Two fields of view were designed, which satisfied the need of searching in the big field of view and tracking in the little field of view. A laser rangefinder was embedded in this system to satisfy the need of measuring distance. Preliminary field trials demonstrate the potential of the system for applications like surveillance, navigation and target detection.


