
Design and applications of novel separated type star tracker

  • 摘要: 星敏感器是当前广泛应用于航天器姿态测量的高精度光学姿态敏感器。介绍了一种新型分体式星敏感器的总体设计、应用及验证情况,其已成功应用于科学试验、通讯及地球观测等多种卫星平台,共有21套产品在轨验证。根据在轨遥测数据分析,全面验证了其主要技术指标:探测灵敏度5.7Mv、数据更新率8Hz、测量精度2.6、阳光抑制角28、动态性能1()/s等。新型分体式星敏感器是国际上首个在轨飞行验证并引入控制系统闭环控制的APS星敏感器,根据地面测试验证结果和20余套产品长达两年在轨数据的全面分析,其在轨性能与地面测试性能一致,在轨测试结果证明产品的测量精度、鲁棒性、可用性和可靠性等主要性能满足卫星使用要求。


    Abstract: Star tracker is current widely used optical sensor in spacecraft attitude control system which produces the most accurate measurements. The overall design description, application and qualification results of a novel separated autonomous miniature star tracker were introduced. The novel separated type star tracker successfully operated in-orbit on a large variety of different satellite platforms such as scientific experiment, telecommunication and earth observation. The novel star tracker has applied in-orbit with a total of 21 sets of products up to now. According to the real time telemetry data packages under real in-orbit conditions, the main qualification features are sensitivity 5.7 Mv, update rate 8 Hz, accuracy 2.6, sun exclusion 28, tracking slew rate 1 ()/s. The novel separated type star tracker was the first APS based star tracker ever flown which was adopted in AOCS closed loop control. A full analysis on ground qualification campaign was carried out successfully on the novel star tracker and an in-flight qualification was also achieved, with more than two years information from 20 other star trackers on different satellites. In flight results are in accordance with results obtained from ground night sky tests. The analysis results allow an almost complete validation of star tracker major requirements: accuracy, robustness, availability and reliability.


