
Line width of feed-forward technology compression semiconductor laser based on single side-band modulation

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于电光单边带调制的前馈线宽压缩系统,该系统主要包括相位噪声检测和单边带调制两大部分。相位噪声检测部分输出一个与相位误差成比例的误差电压信号,电压信号通过线性调频作用于单边带强度调制器,实现对激光信号的调制。单边带调制器采用马赫增德尔强度调制器的结构,相当于内嵌四个相位调制器,通过相位调制达到强度调制的目的,最终得到线宽压缩的激光信号。实验针对波长为1552.52nm、功率10mW 的分布反馈(DFB)半导体激光器,通过对闭环系统的搭建与仿真,激光器的线宽从原来的0.5nm减小到0.016 nm,实现了对半导体激光器线宽的压窄。


    Abstract: An electro-optical feed-forward line width compression system based on single side-band modulation was put-forward, which included phase noise extraction as well as single side-band modulation. The phase noise extraction outputted an error voltage signal proportional to the phase error, and the voltage signal modulated the laser signal through the linear frequency modulation's effects on the single side-band intensity modulator. The single side-band modulator, adopting the structure of MZ intensity modulator, equivalent to inline four phase modulators, achieved intensity modulation through phase modulation, and finally got the line width compression laser signal. The experiment aims at DFB semiconductor laser, with wavelength of 1 552.52 nm, power of 10 mW, and through the construction and simulation of the closed-loop system, the laser line width decreases from 0.5 nm to 0.016 nm, which realized the compression of DFB semiconductor lasers.


