詹光达, 马彬, 张艳云, 马宏平. 预处理效应对1 064 nm 反射膜本征损伤性能的影响[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(6): 1715-1721.
引用本文: 詹光达, 马彬, 张艳云, 马宏平. 预处理效应对1 064 nm 反射膜本征损伤性能的影响[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2014, 43(6): 1715-1721.
Zhan Guangda, Ma Bin, Zhang Yanyun, Ma Hongping. Influence of laser conditioning effects on intrinsic damage property of high reflection film at 1064nm[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2014, 43(6): 1715-1721.
Citation: Zhan Guangda, Ma Bin, Zhang Yanyun, Ma Hongping. Influence of laser conditioning effects on intrinsic damage property of high reflection film at 1064nm[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2014, 43(6): 1715-1721.

预处理效应对1 064 nm 反射膜本征损伤性能的影响

Influence of laser conditioning effects on intrinsic damage property of high reflection film at 1064nm

  • 摘要: 激光预处理技术能够有效提升光学元件的激光损伤阈值。以1064nm 波长作用下的HfO2/SiO2高反射薄膜为研究对象,研究了单一能量密度梯度和多能量密度梯度的N-on-l、R-on-l和光栅扫描激光预处理技术对薄膜本征损伤性能的影响,并采用1-on-1测量方法对不同预处理技术的预处理效果进行了对比分析。实验结果表明:1-on-1测量曲线中的损伤几率数据、拟合直线参数以及损伤阈值的相对不确定度能够比较全面地反映测量结果的重复性;N-on-1方式下多能量密度梯度的预处理效果要优于单一能量密度梯度,但多梯度之间以及单一梯度之间的效果差异并不明显;当薄膜的零几率损伤阈值难以继续提升时,继续增加能量密度梯度将仅能改善薄膜非零损伤几率的性能。


    Abstract: Laser conditioning technique is an effective method to improve the laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) of the optical elements. In this paper, the influence of N-on-1, R-on-1 and raster scan laser conditioning techniques with sing and multi-steps of energy increments on the HfO2/SiO2 high reflection films at 1 064 nm were investigated. Moreover, the 1-on-1 test was adopted to evaluate the laser conditioning effects of different techniques. The results indicate that the damage probability data deviation, fitting tolerance and LIDT deviation of 1-on-1 curves were able to characterize the reproducibility of measurements. Also, it is found that the single step modes of N-on-1 are less effective on improving the laser resistance ability than multi-steps, while the slight differences are difficult to distinguish between the single steps or multi-steps modes due to the uncertainty and deviation of 1-on-1 tests. Furthermore, the successive increasing energy steps will only lead to the improvement of the nonzero damage threshold except the 0% damage threshold.


