
Dynamical focus position detection of single pulse high power laser system

  • 摘要: 针对普通焦距测量方法无法对单脉冲高能激光热畸变引起的焦斑轴向位置漂移进行测量的问题,设计了一种由正交双楔板组分束、可实现瞬时焦斑位置测量的光斑列阵检测系统。两组垂直放置的楔板反射镜组对汇聚光束进行空间分束调制,不同光束具有不同汇聚位置。这些光束最终被探测器接收,形成尺寸不同、阵列分布的光斑阵列。通过对光斑阵列的单次探测,实现了多种轴向焦斑位置变化量的获取及单发次高能激光脉冲系统的焦斑漂移测量。经过理论分析、软件模拟及具体实验验证,该测量系统具有测量范围与测量精度可调、光斑离散性好、杂散光影响小等特点。


    Abstract: To tackle the problem that traditional focus measure technologies cannot measure the focus shifting caused by thermal distortion in single pulse high power laser system, a system, composed with double vertical wedge groups producing array spots, can make instantly focus measure available. Two pairs of wedge-mirror groups which are placed vertically to each other are utilized as beam splitting system in this system. All those rays are finally detected by a detector, and formed a matric of spots with various sizes. Through single detection of spots matrix, various focus position shifts and the focus shifting measurement of the high power laser with single shot are obtained. After theoretical analyzing, software simulating and experiment testing, this technique has the advantages such as the adjustable detecting accuracy and range, good disperse quality, and the ability of restraining the effect of parasitic light.


